How to install the straight slide correctly?
When we buy linear slide, we usually consider many factors: brand, performance, configuration, etc. will affect our use. Is that when we take all these into consideration, we can rest easy and use it casually? Installation and maintenance are also critical!
1. Before installation, the burr, dirt and surface scar on the mechanical installation surface must be removed.
2. Place the main rail gently on the bed platform, and use the lateral fixing screws or other fixing tools to make the rail slightly fit the lateral installation surface.
3. From the center to both sides, tighten the guide rail positioning screws in sequence. The track is slightly fitted with the installation surface. The more stable accuracy can be obtained by slightly tightening from the middle section of the slide rail to both ends. After the datum plane of the positioning module is slightly tightened, the tightening force of the lateral datum plane of the slide rail shall be strengthened to make the main rail fit the datum plane accurately.
4. Use the torque wrench and select the locking torque according to the platform material to slowly tighten the slide positioning screw.
5. Gently place the mobile platform on the sliding seat of the main rail and the auxiliary rail.
6. Use the same installation method to install the auxiliary rail, and install the sliding seat to the main rail individually.
7. Lock the side forcing screws on the mobile platform, and fix them in the following order after installation and positioning.
The price of belt linear slide is slightly lower. The clamp is mainly used in the automation industry such as printing and packaging with lower precision requirements, while the screw rod linear slide is mainly used in the automation industry such as welding and testing with higher precision.